Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Great sunscreen information

As I write this, a strong sun is beating down and I'm considering going for a bike ride.  Just in time the Information is Beautiful site has published a great infographic synthesizing everything you need to know about UVA and UVB sun hazards and sunscreen protection.  Often people don't apply enough, and if you scroll down you'll see a very useful diagram dividing the body into 11 zones, showing how by applying the amount of lotion on two fingers to each zone you'll get thorough protection.

[Note: this is an English site, and refers to lotions having a 'star' rating for UVA protection.  While US 'broad spectrum' sunscreens have UVA protection, they don't have the star rating system yet, though the FDA has recommended it.]

Also: Lifehacker recently published a good sunscreen feature as well.

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